Privacy Policy


We are a multi-disciplinary property organisation, with specialist divisions including project sales and marketing, residential developments , land acquisitions and sale, funds management and property development. For the purpose of this policy, reference to ‘the Group’ includes Oliver Hume Corporation Pty Ltd ACN 158 419 160; Oliver Hume Real Estate Group Pty Ltd ACN 158 513 190, Oliver Hume Real Estate Group (Apartments) Pty Ltd ACN 158 624 876, Oliver Hume Real Estate Group (OLD) Pty Ltd ACN 158 624 867; Oliver Hume Real Estate Group (NSW) Pty Ltd ACN 167 080 499; Oliver Hume Property Connect Pty Ltd ACN 606 493 976; Oliver Hume Community Connect Pty Ltd ACN 609 195 833; Oliver Hume Community Connect (Nord) Pty Ltd ACN 609 197 846; Oliver Hume Property Syndications Pty Ltd ACN 158 631 997, Oliver Hume Property Funds Pty Ltd ACN 107 091 770; Oliver Hume Australia Foundation Fund (Series 2) Pty Ltd ACN 158 829 988, OHAPIF Pty Ltd ACN 167 080 542; Oliver Hume Smartlnvest Management Pty Ltd ACN 609 038 931; Oliver Hume Australia Foundation Fund (Series 5) Pty Ltd ACN 602 240 648; Oliver Hume Australia Income Fund (Series 8 USD) Pty Ltd ACN 602 240 700, and any other companies substantially owned by, or having directors associated, with Oliver Hume Corporation Pty Ltd.

1.1 In our capacity as a real estate agent, we act as agent for landowners and property developers (our clients) in the selling and leasing of their property products, including land lots, house and land packages and a partments. In our capacity as a funds manager, we act on behalf of investors and key financial stakeholders.

1.2 In the course of our business in Australia, there are circumstances where we collect personal information. This privacy policy has been developed to ensure that suc h information is handled a ppropriately.

1.3 We are committed to complying with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) in relation to all personal information we collect. Our commitment is demonstrated in this policy. The Privacy Act incorporates the Australian Privacy Princ iples (APPs). The APP s set out the way in which pe rsonal information must be treated.

1.4 This privacy policy also incorporates our policy on managing credit information (see particularly section B).

Who does the privacy policy apply to?

1.5 This policy applies to any person for whom we currently hold, or may in the future collect, personal information.

What information does the privacy policy apply to?

1.6 This policy applies to personal information. In broad terms, ‘personal information’ is information or opinions relating to a particular individual who can be identified.

1.7 Information is not personal information where the information cannot be linked to an identifiable individual.

How do we manage the personal information we collect?
2.1 We manage the personal information we collect in numerous ways, such as by:

(a) implementing procedures for identifying and managing privacy risks;
(b) implementing security systems for protecting personal information from misuse, interference and loss from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure;
(c) providing staff with training on privacy issues;
(d) implementing mechanisms to ensure any agents or contractors who deal with us comply with the APPs;
(e) implementing procedures for identifying and reporting privacy breaches and for receiving and responding to complaints;
(f) appointing a privacy officer within the business to monitor privacy compliance; and
(g) allowing individuals the option of not identifying themselves, or using a pseudonym, when dealing with us in some circumstances.

2.2 We will take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify personal information if that information is no longer needed for the purposes for which we are authorised to use it.
2.3 In limited circumstances, such as for prospective clients or investors, it may be possible for you to use a pseudonym or remain anonymous when initially dealing with us. If you wish to use a pseudonym or remain anonymous you should notify us when making first enquiries. We will use our best endeavours to deal with your request, subject to our ability to provide you with the requested services without using your name.